Sunday, August 29, 2010

Quickscopers a.k.a. The Biggest Fudgepackers Of All-Time

This guy is NOT cool.

Ever since the days of COD4, snipers have been trying their very hardest to not only dominate the leader boards, but dominate... with style! Think  about it, when have you heard someone use the term 'hardscoper' in a positive manner. The answer is never. Due to the rise of popular gaming clans (most notably OpTic Gaming) snipers everywhere are trying their hardest to emulate their style by performing kills that involve no-scopes, 360-spins, and of course... quick scopes.

Nothing makes me smile more like a retard at the zoo then finding out that there's a quick-scoper on the other team. Even better is when their name looks something like this: XxXxOpTic1337SAUCExXxX. In this situation, the best course of action to take is to equip your Marathon/Lightweight/Commando class, whip out your favorite shotgun, bolt across the map, and introduce his head to your bullets. Seriously. 95% of these kids can't shoot a guy 10 feet in front of them. However, if they scoped in, they'd get an easy kill. That's why I have no sympathy for them when they cry about hardscopers. I hope they die in a fire.


  1. wats up dude checkin my friends out love the blog bro love back?

  2. Word to that, cool blog. Now following and supporting, hope you can return the favor =]

  3. i hate those faggots.... damn they piss me off

  4. well who loves tham nowone.
    Supp mate.

  5. i hate snipers in cod
    they aint grizz baby!!
    acr ftw
